August 7, 2012


So, remember how I had a ponytail of epic proportions? Also, how I didn't wear makeup ever? Whenever I tried to seriously put on makeup, mustashes appeared on my face. It was strange.

This was from the other night. Now....

Are you shocked?? Totally fab if I do say so myself. My hairdresser and the lady at Clinique were both great. I apologize that I'm so darn terrible at selfies!

I'm gonna go see The Dark Knight Rises again tonight, but nobody I've asked to come with me has been able to make it, so it'll be me and the sisters. That's still mega-fun!

School started yesterday, and the nice, cute boy that I wanted to be in my class wasn't. *tear* Oh well! Those are just so rare! Anyway, history and literature both start at 1850 and go through the present day! That means The Great Gatsby and the Roaring Twenties next semestre! I bes so happy!

Lemme know what you think!


  1. Wow! I want to try short hair, but my mom doesn't like that idea:-)

  2. Holy Cow girl you look amazing. It totally brings forth the girly side of yourself. Stunning.
    P.S. This is Jessie the long lost friend of Em's. ;)

  3. i love ur hair. i normally have short hair myself but doing locks of love for this year. 5 more inches to go. :)


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