August 22, 2011


You all knew this post was coming. *dun dun!* (that was theme music.) Anyway, how can a nerd not post a detailed school schedual on their blog? They can't. They/I want you all to know that I have a good reason for not posting in a month! Anyway, I have Geometry, Biology, two history classes, geography, writing, literature, grammar, logic, Bible, speech and debate, government, and endurance. Yeah, while trying to maintain a life. I also wish I was doing Drama, Dance, Art, and be on the Yearbook staff. *laughs* Maybe I can do that next year, because we all know that the Jr. year is easy!
I'm sure you are all now sensing the sarcasism, so I'll take this oppertunity to tell you that I do really enjoy Comm. Central, even though I secretly think of it as Communism Central...
On to happier thoughts! I've made several friends and can't wait for Youth Group to get started again, along with AWANA and every other ministry I'm a part of!
On a majorly different note, have you seen any of these? I love them all!
I think my favorite of these is Captain America, but I really enjoyed Nausicaa. Of course, this is coming from a girl who has only seen two superhero movies, America being the second! I really don't think that even matters! Cowboys and Aliens was very graphic. Almost a little much for even me, but it was the ultimate genre mash-up: sci-fi and western! It also had the ultimate duo: James Bond and Indiana Jones/Han Solo! I'm also in the middle of Robin Hood, yeah, the one with Errol Flynn!
I have never seen a movie of his! How can this be? I love old movies, swordfighting, and tall, dark, and handsome guys from the 30's! Ok, now I'm done! Enjoy!


  1. Be looking for a couple of new, fun pages and a great post of epic pairs of boots!

  2. you have never seen an Errol Flynn?!!?!??! That is sooooo sad!!! I LOVE his movie Captain Blood!!!!! It is REALLY good!!! One of my all time favs!!!!
    And Captain America was awesome!!! I saw it twice in 3-d!!!! totally cool!!!!

  3. by the way that was me!!! Olivia H!!! your most favorite friend that you have had since you were a baby!!!!! ;)

  4. I know Olivia! It is terribly sad. Don't forget our Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, and now Errol Flynn marathon! I can't wait!


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