June 8, 2012

wish you were here

Actually, not. I don't really, but that's the thing to say! bwahahahah! I'm having so much fun, and SoCal is beautiful! This is such a postcard picture, but marvelous none the less.

I watched Roman Holiday one evening and Jurassic Park the next. Not similar, at all. Velociraptors, to say the least, are nightmare fuel. They scared the crap out of me!
I also have been swimming a lot (twice), complete with animal charades. If you don't know how to play, you must 1) never have been a kid or 2) are just plain stupid. Kicks were had by all. That right down there is MDSF's head.

Either feet pictures are really gross or really nice and relaxing looking. I'm choosing the latter for this particular moment.

This picture made my life. Seriously. We all (mostly) trooped to the library, where I found this. Margo is in California!

I've had In-N-Out, gone to the library, watched a bunch of movies, eaten at The Cheesecake Factory, gone to their youth group, read, and eaten. I've really eaten a lot. My mom literally told the family that I'm staying with to fatten me up. I don't know why I've been losing weight, but I have. I certainly am eating a lot!

More to come!

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