December 12, 2012

the end of the world

You guys! I'm embarrassed. I haven't posted in forever, yet y'all have pushed me over the 10k views mark!

NaNo, you ask? Yeah, that didn't happen. It wasn't that I was too busy even. My muse didn't show up to work and left me with no inspiration or ideas. I like the idea of my story, but fantasy is much too deep for my writing skills as of now.

Speaking of writing skills, I got my PSAT scores back. I was super worried, feeling that I had done better than last year, but still not good enough. Without saying numbers, I did really well. It was all God. I won't know if I am a National Merit Semi-Finalist until September, so until then I guess I'll just work on my ACT prep. Gosh, so much college prep. I literally asked my mother whether everyone is this young when dealing with all this junk. I don't feel old enough to need to care, but I really do feel the importance of my grades and scholarships and such.

I have gained weight and grown half an inch in the last 5 weeks, so that's encouraging. I'm strong enough that I'm going to work next semester and be in the Spring musical with Cast N Crew! I'm so glad.

So, we have 9 days 'til the end of the world. What are you going to do? I personally don't think that anything out of the usual will occur on that "fateful" day, as evidenced by all the importance I was giving the things I wrote about up ^ there. I'm going to continue to buy Christmas presents and look forward to the day when my big sister returns from India, with more than the usual amount of crazy dancing, just in case.

I've never been afraid of the end of the world or death. Because I am a Christ-follower, I believe in His promise of Heaven and the Revelation of the End found in Scripture. I have nothing of which to worry.

I'm just glad that The Hobbit is coming out first.

See you on the other side,

1 comment:

  1. BBJ! It's good to have you back! This post was pretty awesome! It's so good to have your opinion on these things once again, missed ya!



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