October 4, 2012

minimalist posters (part 4)

If the previous set of posters were "girlie", I guess these would be "boyish", but no boy or action flick lover would be happy with that title! I just like things to match and be all lined up. Unofficially, these are the action flicks and one all-around beloved comedy.

Like the colors. All the characters, but still retains that simplicity.

This was a good movie and I like what they did with the poster.

I watched this opening night at a party. It was a little more violent and gory than I was used to, but Han Solo and James Bond! Sooooo....

I can't waaaiit!

So hilarious! I've heard this quoted my whole life.


  1. I was actually considering buying that Avengers poster before, so that one is my favorite, as well as my favorite movie from these. But I do really like the Count of Monte Cristo, it is a very underrated movie. Although I like the idea of the hat being the alien ship in the Cowboys and Aliens one. And of crouse The Hobbit will be amazing. I have not seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it does look very funny.


  2. I love these minimalist post! In fact, I did a post on minimalist posters on my blog in honor of you!


  3. I love the Count of Monte Cristo! One of my top ten movies ever.
    "How did I escape? With great difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure."


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