The clock with no numbers serves the purpose of the ambiguity of Wonderland and showing the main symbols. I love it.
This is beautiful, like the film, but simply shows Toothless as a dragon, with none of the personality, which is a good idea so you'll be surprised.
Simple like the concept of the movie. It doesn't focus on the music, but on the magic, which is what the music is anyway.
And now...Miyazaki. Nothing left to say, except that I love the watercolor style for the sky.
Perfection. There are so many things that Spirited Away can be recognized by, but this is perfect.
I hope you like these as much as I do. Have you seen them all? Which was your favorite? By the way, the background for the Alice one is the color that I want the bottom half of my hair to be when I grow it out.
One more post of random ones, then Nolan films is the schedule.
Movie loving billyBobjoe